My research has been published in Social Forces, Sociology of Education, Qualitative Sociology, The Washington Post, and other outlets. I've received research funding from the National Science Foundation and The Ohio State University.
Moss-Pech, Corey. Major Trade-Offs: The Surprising Truths about College Majors and Entry-level Jobs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (In Press, Forthcoming May 2025).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Norris, Davon and Corey Moss-Pech. 2022. “White Men Can’t Jump, but Does It Even Matter? Exit Discrimination in the NBA,” Social Forces 100(3):961-989.
Moss-Pech, Corey, Steven H. Lopez, and Laurie Michaels. 2021. “Educational Downgrading: Adult Education and Downward Mobility,” Sociology of Education 94(2):143-158.
Moss-Pech, Corey. 2021. “The Career Conveyor Belt: How Internships Contribute to Early Career Inequality Among College Graduates,” Qualitative Sociology 44(7):77-102.
Pech, Corey, Elizabeth Klainot-Hess, and Davon Norris. 2020. “Part-time by Gender, not Choice: The Gender Gap in Involuntary Part-Time Work,” Sociological Perspectives 64(2):280-300.
Pech, Corey. 2017. “Dealing with Downsizing: New Organizational Careers in Financial Services After the Great Recession,” Research in the Sociology of Work 30:33-57.
Public Sociology
Moss-Pech, Corey. “How undergraduate internships lead to early career inequality and
misconceptions about college majors,” Work in Progress: Sociology on the economy, work and inequality, 4/15/2021.
Schoon, Eric W. and Corey Pech. “Why is American Democracy in Danger?” Washington Post, 3/5/2019.